Top 10 Things to do This Summer

I'm linking up with Mrs. Deanna Jump to talk about my Top 10 Things to do this summer. I'm still 9 school days away from vacation but my mind is already planning. In no particular order:

1. Play with my kiddos. I love this picture of them because you can see their personalities shine through. They are my world and I miss the little things while we are in school. I feel like crazy Mommy when I'm juggling work, home, and the kids. Summer lets me take a step back and enjoy them. I can't wait.

2. Work on 4th grade material. I have NOTHING for 4th grade. My files are filled with primary material. I'm a little stressed but it's a good stress. This is an adventure I can't wait to begin. I'm ready to fill up my TPT and work on blog posts. Our new design should be ready soon!!! 

3. Move Classrooms. This is just a small section I have packed and ready to go. This will be my 4th move and hopefully my last. I can't wait to paint and get started on my Super Hero themed room. It's going to be fantastic! 

4. Shop at Half Price

I love Half Price. Anyone else go in with a shopping cart ready to fill it up? My hubby always laughs at me when I go in. It's so exciting to know I'm going to come out with a whole cart full of books and not feel like I'm broke. This summer I'm hoping to stock my shelves with great chapter books. Anyone have any "Must Have" suggestions?

5. Bake:

I love to bake. It's a stress relief for me and something that I want to improve on. I recently discovered Sally's Baking Addiction and I must say I am now addicted. Her book is AmAzInG. Her recipes are FANTASTIC and her directions are easy to follow with clear explanations.  She walks you through each step with pictures and gives you tips and tricks along the way. If you haven't visited her site before Go. Now. 
Trust me on this. 

6. Vacation!!! 

Doesn't this this just scream relaxation? My family is planning a trip to the cabins this summer. This is a new trip for us but one we are very excited for. I'm not sure if I'm more excited for the pinball machine or the pool.....

7. Reading

Hi. My name is Tracy and I'm a bookaholic. 

I own 100's of books and have 100's more on my Kindle. While I love my Kindle I love the feel of a book in my hands even more. I love going back and rereading and finding my favorite parts. This summer I plan to read everyday. 

8. Wine Trail with the Girls

I have been friends with these girls since High School. And even though we've been spread out over states we always get together when we can. This year we are planning a wine trail. This is a new trip for us and one I'm pumped for. 

9. Teacher Friends

I have the best group of teacher friends a girl could ask for. I would be lost with them and I can't wait to spend the summer with them. 

10. Time w/ the Hubby

One of the perks of being married to a teacher is that he understands lesson plans, PT conferences, After school commitments, and everything else we do. Another perk....we are both off for the summer! 

9 days and counting my friends! We can do it! 

~ Tracy

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