Transitional First Grade - The Gift of Time

When I received word that I was being moved back to Scottsburg, I was also told I would be teaching a new classroom.  This classroom would be for students that did not need to repeat kindergarten, but they weren't ready for first grade either. It would be a "Gift of Time" ...


Don't Tell Mom

Last night I was sitting in the yard with my sister when I heard the words every mother dreads to hear. "Don't tell mom!" I quickly jumped up from my chair and ran around to the side of the house where I found my twins, my dog, the neighbor boy, and 3 dead baby birds. It ...


Sexy Shower Scene....or Not

I'm sure most of you have read a sexy shower scene in a romance book at some point in your life. #noraroberts fan anyone? Keep that in mind while I tell you how that works in real life. I was in the shower yesterday when my husband came in to check on me. I've had a terrible cough lately and I thought the steam would help. He did what any husband would do when looking at their wife in the shower and he kissed me, ...


Changes are Coming

When I was in 5th grade I had a very strict teacher. In his class you always had to fold your papers a certain way, turn things in number order, and stand up when answering a question. Everyone else in the class had to turn and face you.  One day he called on me to answer ...

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