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My Time Away

To say this past school year was a challenge would be an understatement. I knew that creating a new curriculum for a new course would be challenging. I was prepared for that though, and it turns out, I did it very well. What I didn't know it that my mom would pass away. I was not ...


Online Teaching

I never really considered online teaching until I realized that with 4 kids our doctor bills were getting outrageous. I googled online teaching jobs, and I found VIPKID. That day changed my life. I found a new love for teaching. Each day I wake up and start my day teaching English ...


Phonics Lessons on the Go

My transition room has been in a great deal of transition this year. Trying to find a schedule that works for us, curriculum that is on our level, and just getting a flow together has been exhausting! But, it's finally coming together! As you may know, my district is 1:1 so every ...


VIP Kid Teaching - Extra Income

I love being a teacher. It's all I've ever wanted to do. But, it doesn't pay the bills. Especially when you are a family of 6 and have a special needs child and 3 more accident prone boys. Within 8 months 2 of my kids had major surgery, and I was left with thousands of dollars ...


Changes. Changes. And More Changes.

I knew that this school year would be full of changes. I was moved from 4th grade to a new Transition to First grade room. I spent the summer planning and thinking my students to be lower first grade students. Turns out, it's more of a repeat kindergarten room with 11 students. ...


Transitional First Grade - The Gift of Time

When I received word that I was being moved back to Scottsburg, I was also told I would be teaching a new classroom.  This classroom would be for students that did not need to repeat kindergarten, but they weren't ready for first grade either. It would be a "Gift of Time" ...


Don't Tell Mom

Last night I was sitting in the yard with my sister when I heard the words every mother dreads to hear. "Don't tell mom!" I quickly jumped up from my chair and ran around to the side of the house where I found my twins, my dog, the neighbor boy, and 3 dead baby birds. It ...

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